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The Power Deck - Centering

Never leave your center. Count your bad points as well as your good. What is good and what is bad are most often purely relative. If you sense a weakness within yourself, explore it. It may become the source of your greatest strength.

 As you sit like a sacred Buddha amid the pandemonium of your life, always remember that the situation or person who has the ability to upset you the most, to pull you off center, is your greatest teacher in the process of centering. Such negativity can become your addiction. Center yourself in your power, and release your need for constant distraction from your center.  "Centering" card, From The Power Deck - The Cards of Wisdom, Beyond Words Publishing.

Click here to order The Power Deck Cards on Amazon


As you sit like a sacred Buddha amid the pandemonium of your life, always remember that the situation or person who has the ability to upset you the most, to pull you off center, is your greatest teacher in the process of centering. Such negativity can become your addiction. Center yourself in your power, and release your need for constant distraction from your center.  "Centering" card, From The Power Deck - The Cards of Wisdom, Beyond Words.


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