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Diane Broussard is a graduate of The Lynn Andrews Shaman Mystery School

November 24, 2024 - Last Sunday of the Month

Each month we gather for a Drum Circle at the Diamond Springs Center. Each circle has a theme and an opportunity to journey or learn how to journey to the worlds of other dimensions. We honor Mother Earth and study her complete library of life. We often have fire ceremony and occasional potluck meals to encourage our soul connections with each other. We are all one conscious human thread of the finest woven cloth.

​$20 Donation

Join our meetup group for announcements of coming drum circles



Pre-Register The Lynn Andrews Shaman Mystery School. The next session starts on January 5, 2025.

Click here to Pre-Register - Receive FREE gifts and a Pre-Session Mentor

Weam Namou, a graduate of The Lynn Andrews Shaman Mystery School is Ambassador for the Authors Guild of America


 Contact Weam for more information: Website:





 Contact Weam for more information: Website:



Sunday, January 5, 2025 The Lynn Andrews Shaman Mystery School is back in session!   Enroll in The Lynn Andrews Shaman Mystery School