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Study Lynn's Teachings

Lynn's Legacy Continues!

Opportunities for Studying Lynn's Teachings!

The late Lynn Andrews was on the New York Times and internationally best-selling author of 21 books and workbooks on the power and wisdom of shamanism, the oldest form of healing on earth. Her teachings grew out of more than three decades of study and work with the Sisterhood of the Shields, a society of indigenous shaman women of very high degree on four different continents. Theirs are the teachings of sacred energy, shamanic healing and the divine feminine, rooted in Mother Earth and balanced around the four directions of the sacred wheel as they have been developed, studied and handed down from shaman to apprentice, mother to daughter, in an unbroken chain for millenniums.

The Lynn Andrews Shaman Mystery School

Mystery SchoolThe Lynn Andrews Shaman Mystery School is a 4-year course of study and training in the sacred healing arts. Learn how to enter the sacred dream time to discover the mysteries and wisdom of life, how to create and use tools of perception and awareness that help you See, understand and choreograph energy and develop your own inner power and vision. As you apply what you learn towards your own healing and transformation, you create the opportunity to become Ordained as a Minister upon completion.

Discover more about The Shaman Mystery School


NEW! Fully Moderated Online Courses are back!

Each participant is can communicate with the Course Mentor and Course Moderators.  You will receive insight and inspiration from other course participants.  We offer two teleconferences for each course, where questions are answered regarding the course materials. The Zoom Calls will be recorded, and a link will be sent to all of you after the day after the teleconference. 

Register for the Fully Moderated Online Course Today!


Self Study with Online Courses

Self Study Online CoursesLynn has offered online courses through the Online Academy, for many years.  A total of four courses were given within a year.  Each participant was able to communicate with the Course Mentor and Course Moderators.  They received insight and inspiration from other course participants.  Lynn hosted two teleconferences for each course where questions were answered regarding the course materials.  Lynn also provided ongoing feedback in the private Facebook Lodge and included the meditations.  

Now you can work at your own pace and Save Money! With these Encore Online Courses, you to go on a Self Guidance Journey and pick and choose how you will approach the materials.  Within a given series the Online courses are designed to allow you to begin where ever you choose. All the meditations are contained within the course handbook.  You can create your own audio meditations.  Also, you are welcome to purchase the MP3 meditations and allow Lynn to 'walk' with you as you make your way through these sacred teachings.

  Start your Journey Now!


Online Video Workshops

Here is a dynamic interactive way to traverse the dimensions of higher awareness and develop your own realm of skill and personal power at a pace that is comfortable for you: Each Workshop focuses on exploring and developing different aspects of the power and wisdom of shamanic healing. They are an excellent way to begin working with Lynn. Each Workshop consists of a lecture by Lynn that was recorded specifically for that workshop, an MP3 guided meditation to facilitate deep inner access to the teachings, a .pdf “Guide to the Teachings” to assist you on your journey, and the opportunity to ask questions of Lynn. Once downloaded to your computer, these Workshop components are yours to keep for life!

  Learn more about the Video Workshops


Writing Spirit, The School

Writing Spirit, The SchoolThis unique two-year writing program to awaken your creative soul and help you find and develop the writer within you: Crafted with shamanic energy, Lynn’s Writing School is designed to move you in and out of yourself using writing as a shamanic tool of self discovery and divination. The reading and writing exercises are direct and abstract, elaborate and “no frills,” just you and your pen (or computer!), writing from different angles, different perspectives and best of all, discovering your unique point of view as a writer. The School comes with a Workbook and weekly writing exercises, private and group calls with your mentor.

Be Creative. Learn how.



Teachings of the Sisterhood of the Shields

Sisterhood of the Shield“What Are the Teachings of the Sisterhood of the Shields?” How do we reclaim the things that have been lost to modern living; those most sacred and wise parts of ourselves that cry out to be acknowledged?

  The Sisterhood of the Shield