Media & Press Information - Lynn's Legacy Continues!
Media Info About Lynn
Author of the internationally acclaimed Medicine Woman Series, Lynn Andrews who has spent the last 30 years studying with shamanic women on three continents. This best selling author shares her ancient teachings of shamanic training.
Lynn Andrews brings spiritual tools and compelling techniques for healing from the spiritual realm to the modern everyday physical world. Her techniques use the power of thought to take you beyond self limitation to other realities. Through live shamanic gatherings and many other media outlets, Lynn uses a wide variety of experiential tools to lead her audiences deeper into themselves.
Lynn learned shamanic healing and empowerment directly from shaman women on three continents, not from lecturers at a podium, but, instead, through life learning, physical and spiritual world experience in her years with these several medicine women. Following decades of study, Lynn is now uniquely gifted in the multiple facets of shamanism, including not only healing, but also how to take others into her special world of energy and living a life of purpose with passion.
Lynn's legacy Continues! Mystery School and Writing School. Explore the ancient teachings relating to the study of global shamanic cosmologies. As one of America’s best known shamanic healer and veteran metaphysical instructor, Lynn’s 21 books are published in 14 languages, including two New York and Los Angeles Times best sellers. She founded the Lynn Andrews School for Sacred Arts and Training in 1994, now known as The Lynn Andrews Shaman Mystery School, and from that her current four year shamanic MYSTERY SCHOOL and her two year program called “Writing Spirit, The School” have emerged.
Mystery School apprentices learn that, while most people concentrate on only one aspect of reality – the rational physical world – there is an equally important spiritual realm, a venue within which she is uniquely experienced. In a four-year course of distance learning, students gain knowledge, while training in the techniques of shamanic healing and personal empowerment that Lynn has developed over her 32-year study. Graduates are certified shamanic healers, expert in the use of ancient rituals to enable deep personal transformation through understanding and balancing the physical and spiritual worlds.
Writing School students seek their own creative spirit. The musician, the writer, the artist within the inspirational moment needs to be held in the most precious of ways, and students are led to discover their voice, and how to express the divine inspiration that is offered to them in a way that is uniquely their own.
Through her On Line Academy, Lynn offered a series of internationally accessible courses each year, carefully developed in order to allow the students to have their own experiential learning opportunities, and filled with the same depth of wisdom and teachings she brings to all of her students.
There are also Online Video Workshops, which allow individual to explore basic teachings of shamanism with Lynn through video’s and audio materials at their own pace and schedule.
In addition to these schools, Councils of the Whistling Elk groups have formed around the world to study and share shamanic wisdom and knowledge, based on Lynn’s teachings.
Lynn’s Books: Lynn’s foundational book, Medicine Woman, is now in its 46th printing, celebrating its 25th anniversary. The entire Medicine Woman series recently re-released, which offers her unique teachings to a new generation of women.
Other books that Lynn has used for many speaking engagements and tours include:
Coming Full Circle – Ancient Teachings for a Modern World; The shamanic, philosophical, and inspirational teachings of the Sisterhood of the Shields are now condensed into one very important book. Lynn reveals how the application of ancient healing techniques can relate to the modern world, interweaving teachings into aspects of universal truths. Coming Full Circle with Lynn reminds us that there is no beginning and no end to the circle of life. In this time of great fear and confusion in the world, she shows how her teachers have led her- and by extension all of us-to confront her deepest fears and accept without hesitation that there is a spiritual solution to every one of life’s problems.
Woman on the Edge of Two Worlds – The Spiritual Journey Through Menopause; This powerful, sensitively-written book illuminates the experiences of menopause, showing how this transitional stage can be a special event that brings access to a richer, more fulfilling way of life.
Writing Spirit, Written to excite, ignite and inform the creative genius in everyone, weaving the wisdom of ancient and contemporary inspiration into one magnificent book.
“The writer’s soul is where my passion and curiosity live. It is not how or what you write that is important. It is your creative spirit. The musician, the writer, the artist within the inspirational moment needs to be held in the most precious of ways.…” ~Writing Spirit
Previous Speaking Engagements
Lynn V. Andrews’ speaking engagements are significantly different from all other life coaches and mystic gurus. As a result of her years of study under indigenous medicine woman, she brings ancient spiritual tools and compelling techniques that can be used in the modern business world. Her techniques use the power of thought to change points of view that no longer serve the business community and take her listeners beyond self limitation to other realities of abundance, joy and prosperity.
"Lynn Andrews brought her personal quest to the masses. With over 20 books to her credit she has inspired thousands of seekers to find their own inner fire, wisdom, and authenticity. We all owe a huge debt of gratitude to Lynn for breaking open the seal of secrecy behind earth’s wisdom keepers so that we could all benefit and learn from the Sisterhood of the Shields. As a shaman she empowers each of us to be in our power and stand tall, loving one another and supporting the inner wisdom and wonder of life." ~Maureen St. Germain, best selling author and founder of Transformational Enterprises
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