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2004 Sacred Luminaria, Igniting the Fires of Joy MP3 Pkg

2004 Sacred Luminaria, Igniting the Fires of Joy MP3 Pkg

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This year our event is about joy.  It is about Oracles, divination, and the different ways that we approach our relationship with Great Spirit. 

What do I mean by lift up your energy, lift up your consciousness?  Everybody is saying that but what in the world does it mean, really?

I mean for you to develop the more powerful aspects of your character, particularly your cellular structure.  You have to lift up your energy field so that there is more fire inside of you so that you can begin to transform.  But it’s not the slow growing and evolving over centuries that I’m speaking of.  It’s more like a mutation.  It’s as if you are beginning to develop access to new cellular strength – DNA, wisdom and knowledge – that has been held for centuries within you but which you have never actually been able to use in your life until now. Lynn V. Andrews

Each year at Joshua Tree, we record the teachings, meditations and ceremonies of our gatherings. 

The Meditations include:  Guardian Animal Spirit, Keeper Of the Brain, Symbols, Power Deck Teaching, Luminous Fibers, Finding Your Core Essence, Working With the Oracles, Understanding Joy - Inner Flame - Dreaming, Centering Meditation and so much more.  Over 6 hours with Shaman Teacher Lynn Andrews.

Opening Lecture

Guardian Animal Spirit Meditation

Keeper of the Brain 


Finding Your Core Essence

Working with Oracles

Offering Ceremony

Understanding Joy

Inner Flame


Saturday Night Fire Ceremony

Closing Lecture