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The Oracle of the Talking Stick - Part 2
The Oracle of the Talking Stick - Part 2

The Oracle of the Talking Stick - Part 2

Regular price $99.00 Sale

Self Guided Course!: The Oracle of the Talking Stick - Part 2

Transforming Your Fears with the Four Sacred Laws of the Painted Feather

This is a four week self guided journey.  There are Sacred exercises and Deepening practices. Some meditations for this course are contained in the handbook.  

You will get a PDF with links to download files separately as they are too large for one file. Includes: PDF Handbook and (4) MP3 Meditations.


PDF Handbook - The Oracle of the Talking Stick Part 2
Meditation: Talking Stick Oracle Meditation
Meditation: Shadow Dweller
Meditation: Walkabout Meditation
Meditation: Dreamtime Communication Meditation


Introduction to the Shadow Dwellers and the Talking Stick
Meditation: Talking Stick Oracle

The Sacred Wheel

Shadow Dwellers
Meditation: Shadow Dweller
SACRED TASK #3: Wheel of Darkness

Wheels of Communication
Wheel of Positive Communication
SACRED TASK #4: Communications Wheel, Positive Side

Wheel of Negative Communication
SACRED TASK #5: Communications Wheel, Negative Side

Teachings of the Wind
SACRED TASK #6: Teachings of the Wind and the Power of Silence

Four Sacred Laws of the Painted Feather
SACRED TASK #7: Four Sacred Laws of the Painted Feather Wheel
SACRED TASK #8: Attaching the Painted Feather to Your Talking Stick

A Very Special Ceremony
Meditation: Walkabout
SACRED TASK #9: Walkabout Meditation 

Ginivee and the Great Rainbow Serpent
SACRED TASK #10: Conversation with the Great Rainbow Serpent
Meditation: Dreamtime Communication

Collage of the Beauty of Humanity Through the Ages
SACRED TASK #11: Collage of the Beauty of Humanity

Final Task

SACRED TASK #12: Final Paper

This was originally from the Online Courses of 2006, Painted Feather Talking Stick.

We offer each of the four courses within a series individually. This allows you to go on a Self Guided Journey and pick and choose how you will approach the materials.  Within a given series the Online courses are designed to allow you to begin where ever you choose. Example: If you decide to take series two, there is enough reference material from series one for you begin series two.  

All the meditations are contained within the course handbook.