1991 JT The Teaching of the Shields MP3 PKG
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I’d like to talk just for a moment about shields, and why we are here, and about the Teaching of the Shields. What is a shield? A shield can be protection. A shield can be a series of designs that represent the essence of your being. Shields can be related to clans and to societies. All over the world shields have been used as protection, and also as an announcement to the world of who you are.
For us, the Sisterhood of the Shields, the sacred circle, represents the womb of the Great Spirit out of which the seeds of wisdom and knowledge are born. The sacred circle, whether it is a medicine circle, a sacred circle for ceremony, a shield, or a circle for protection against negativity and darkness, presents a microcosm for the greater universe that surrounds us. The knowledge within the Sisterhood that has been handed down from sister to daughter to apprentice throughout the ages is a teaching that originally came from the stars.
Opening Prayers & Orientation |
Q&A |
Self Shield Meditation |
Butterfly Tree Spirit Shield meditation |
Power song, closing prayer, Shaman Dance |
Q&A |
Opening to Relationship meditation |
Father Energy Meditation |
Spirit Mate Meditation |
East Shield Meditation East Shield Meditation |
Heyoka Power Animal Meditation |
Full Moon Ceremony |
Opening Prayer |
Presenting Shields |
Erasing Personal History |
Abuse Shield Meditation |
Presentation of Shields Ceremony |
Opening Prayer, Gifts & Directions |
Tasks & Closing Prayer |
Over 9 hours of teachings, meditations, questions and answers, ceremony, and music.