Love and Power - HC - Book 11
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Love and Power, Book 11 of the Medicine Woman Series
In this powerful book, bestselling author and 'seer' Lynn Andrews takes us on a journey toward self-completion by tackling the problem of imbalance – in life, in love, in work, in spirit. Drawing on a wealth of lessons learned during two decades of lecturing, teaching and counseling, Lynn outlines practical steps for focusing one’s spiritual and intellectual energy. Explaining the ways in which chasing a career or raising a family has left many people, especially women, yearning for spiritual and emotional sustenance, Lynn Andrews teaches readers how to balance the need for love with the desire for power.
'We are living in a more violent world today than ever before in history. What a statement this is about the misuse of power, that the forces that separate us from one another and from Mother Earth have such strength and even status in our world. My teachers always tell me that human beings were never meant to live with the chaos and confusion that we do today. To them, the most amazing thing of all is that so many people feel so powerless to do anything about it. And they very much want you to know that the power to change the world is within each and every one of us. All we need is a new understanding of power, one that will facilitate the rebuilding of what we are currently destroying.
'The power to rebuild what is broken is born from love. Always. Power and love are mates. They live together in deep appreciation and support of each other. Without that marriage, there may be force, but there won’t be happiness. There won’t be fulfillment, nor the joy and freedom you are looking for. When you waken to the power of love in even the simplest aspects of your life, you begin to grow. Then you stop fighting yourself.'
Critical reviews:
Barbara Hand Clow, author of The Pleiadian Agenda: A New Cosmology for the Age of Light: 'With exquisite clarity, Love and Power disarms the central complexities of the psyche that drain away (or abort) our access to personal freedom.'
Hal Zina Bennett, author of Write from the Heart and Follow Your Bliss: 'Lessons of the soul … love empowered. What wisdom this wonderful book offers! Lynn explores the secrets for balance love with power, charting a path to integrate them into our lives. Never has her voice been truer, stronger, or more generous of spirit.'
© 1997 by Lynn V. Andrews