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Windhorse Woman - SC - Book 6 & Now Available as an eBook!
Windhorse Woman - SC - Book 6 & Now Available as an eBook!

Windhorse Woman - SC - Book 6 & Now Available as an eBook!

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Outside of Kathmandu where the majestic Himalayas thrust their jagged peaks into Nepal’s azure sky, Lynn Andrews begins a new journey.  This odyssey of spirit takes her to an ending and a beginning: the completion of the circle of learning first described in Medicine Woman, and the start of another quest for the truth only reached through struggle on the human path.  Waiting for her is a precious gift, the marriage to a man who is both spirit and flesh, herself and yet not herself, in a ceremony of love and passion -- the marriage of the male Windhorse and the female Windhorse Woman, which carries an important lesson for us all:  'To fall in love, one must not be afraid to die.  If you are afraid of death, you will not live your life.'

'An old Nepalese hill woman with creased mahogany skin and thick gray hair was sitting on her heels in a squatting position, stringing large coral beads.  She was deep in thought, her eyes squinting so that barely a glint of light reflected off her dark eyes.

'‘Look at that rainbow,’ she exclaimed to her companion.  ‘It means there is a bridge from one kingdom to another.  We have waited lifetimes for the last piece of the mandala to arrive.  A young woman will search for us.  She will bring us a gift.  She does not know the sacred transport of her journey.  I must teach her through a long ascent into the mountains of the Chepang.  Truth must be passed on through experience.’

'That beautiful Nepalese hill woman was my teacher, Ani, who taught me how to find and believe in my own ability, sitting in front of an avalanche of huge boulders and rocks that blocked our already treacherous climb through the Himalayas.  When I asked her how we were going to get beyond this catastrophe, she said, ‘We will do a ceremony.  The soul of the mountain has sent you a gift.  The gift lives beneath the avalanche of blockage that prevails within all sentient beings at this time.  The mountain has sent you a sign.  The trail is impassable, and yet it must be followed.  Your life has been thus.  To reach the next level you must find the gateway within your own being and the trail will become available to you once again.’'

Publisher Beyond Words.

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Windhorse Woman, A Marriage of Spirit, Book 6 of the Medicine Woman Series.