Fully Moderated Online Course - Registration
Once you fill out and submit your REGISTRATION FORM below, you will be directed to a payment page where you can choose your payment.
Also read the Release Statement below.
I understand that Lynn Andrews Productions and the Online Course Mentors and Moderators, or any individuals or organizations associated with these groups, are not responsible for, and I release them from liability for, whether or not as a result of negligence, or as a result of my failure to seek and follow appropriate medical or mental health care from a licensed medical professional in connection with this online course. I understand that Lynn Andrews Productions, Inc. and individuals associated with Lynn Andrews Productions, Inc. are not licensed medical or mental health care providers; that neither Lynn Andrews Productions, Inc. nor the individuals associated with Lynn Andrews Productions, Inc. diagnose or provide any advice or technique as a form of treatment for medical or mental health problems; and I further understand that it is my responsibility to consult with my medical and/or mental health provider(s) for any condition(s) for which I am under or may need treatment. I am fully responsible for my own experience.
I have READ, UNDERSTAND and AGREE to the Terms and Conditions for this Online Course as listed above and have answered all questions on the form below truthfully. I understand that further disclaimers and waivers as well as other pertinent course information are forthcoming with my payment confirmation invoice. I also authorize payments to Lynn Andrews Productions.
If you have trouble with this form, please REFRESH / RELOAD the page. If you have any questions or require assistance, please contact Kahndi, the registrar, using our contact form. Thank you.