Kindred Spirits Healings of the Lodges

Our Kindred Spirits Community – The Lodges, Earth Stewards and The Writers Circle have developed powerful points of views and specific group energy that we can share with each other. Here are the ways our Kindred Spirit Community can be of service to each other. Our work strengthens us and enables us to do incredible acts of power.
The Dreaming Bear Lodge
The Dreaming Bears lend support, energy, light and love to those in our circle who are manifesting their Dreams. This special energy supports the movement from the dream in the west to manifestation in the south. The Dreaming Bears can provide energetic support to our fellow Kindred Spirits as they move the energy of their dream into the physical. We are creating physical containers to hold a space for their dream as they build, strengthen and manifest it into physical reality.
Any Kindred Spirit need only ask to be held in this sacred dreaming cocoon. They can provide us with as much detail as they wish to in regard to what their dream is. We support their dream. The more detailed and specific they can be in defining their dream the more powerful the energy is to support their manifestation.
The Golden Eagle Lodge - Gateways in Art
The Eagle Lodge invites any member of Kindred Spirits to bring to the lodge a creative project that you are working on or considering beginning.
Through our collective dreaming we can hold energy for you to bring energy, clarity and commitment to your project in any stage of its Creation.
Consider the painting of your life ... the story of ... the tapestry you are weaving, your life ... we heal, grow and transform through our creativity. The simplest or most complex Acts of Power, in terms of our creativity, work the same magic in our lives. Let the dream of Creativity in your life unfold and take its proper place in your life.
If your dream is to re-decorate or transform a small plot of land to a sanctuary or to collect your poems into a book, or to re- discover the dancer within, or to cook your delight, or sketch your delight, to sing, to act, to make music ... to become your own consummate gardener, chef, painter, decorator, textile artist, flower arranger, potter, tiler, weaver, writer, dancer, poet, sculptor, artist, singer, musician ...
Consider the painting of your life ... what project in process or one that you¹ve always dreamt of holds the essence of your color, your ecstasy, your truth and self-expression? Feel free to share your creation with the lodge.
... a photo or description of the dream or the project itself or the process you are in with it ... the Lodge will hold the energy, and add our intent and energy to yours so the artist in you may blossom and the project, at your hand, may come to life
The Fire Lodge has created the Sacred Sun Dance teaching on a lodge call, and the idea of a Healing Dance for those in KS was started. The Fire Lodge will be doing this Sacred Healing Dance on a Lodge call one hour before the Full Moon Meditation every month. We will use the Full Moon site as a sacred energy site/source of energy for that months dance: we will hold all of KS in our circle and dance healing energy for all of KS to use for their highest good.
In addition to dancing around KS every month, we would like to take special requests from those in our KS circle. These requests for healing will receive a few special dance steps during our Full Moon call.
The Snowy Owl Lodge
The Snowy Owl Lodge provides a nurturing Nest for those who need safe harbor in dealing with the griefs, joys and challenges of transition of all kinds. Imagine a welcoming valley of refuge, perhaps in the Himalayas, protected by loving Wise Ones. We also provide support for those who are preparing to fly out on new paths, for the Snowy Owl is also a skillful hunter in both the light and the dark, a keen guide along the way of new beginnings. We offer the Owl's Nest as a prayerful refuge to those in need of it, usually for a month, but extended if necessary. It's a big space, there's no limit on the number who can spend time there. During that time, the Lodge members will support you with our prayers and loving energy.
The Lodge of the Sacred Fire
The Fire Lodge has created the Sacred Sun Dance teaching on a lodge call, and the idea of a Healing Dance for those in KS was started. The Fire Lodge will be doing this Sacred Healing Dance on a Lodge call one hour before the Full Moon Meditation every month. We will use the Full Moon site as a sacred energy site/source of energy for that months dance: we will hold all of KS in our circle and dance healing energy for all of KS to use for their highest good.
In addition to dancing around KS every month, we would like to take special requests from those in our KS circle. These requests for healing will receive a few special dance steps during our Full Moon call.
The Star Woman Lodge
When one of our Kindred Spirits from Power out into the world, they may ask Star Lodge to hold the intent and energy. We will support their creative Act of Power being birthed into the Universe.
The Star Lodge will hold the Act of Power of each request and give energy to the manifestation of each person’s request.
Each month the Star Lodge will use the lodge rattle to send energy as well as the lodge pipe holder will have a sacred smoke either monthly or quarterly over these acts of powers. We may follow-up with the requestors and see how the energy is helping them. At KS gathering each year, we will bring the written requests wrapped in red fabric and ask Lynn to toss them in the sacred fire for purification and send them to Great Spirit and the elements.
Earth Stewards
The Earth Stewards have a special connection with Mother Earth. This connection of heart to womb enables us to hear, see and feel Mother Earth's thoughts; and with it comes opportunity to transform the physical plane. The Earth Steward Healing Circle will use this sacred connection to 'take dictation' from Her. We will translate for anyone wanting guidance in an act of power or in a time of extra need during times of stress.
The Writers Circle
The Writers Circle, a circle of many, is a magnificent 'table' of artists created by Lynn and the Sisterhood.... a table of men and women who, by their own hard work, have found their individual voices within a community of love. Their extraordinary energy is bountiful and is available for all to bathe in.
If one is in stress or needing a boost as she/he strides out into the world with a clear 'voice'....then all one need to do is reach the Circle through an email...and we will take some time to 'write you'. With your need in our hearts , we are able to access inspiration and creative expression through writing, through art, clues for you to place in your medicine bag ... clues from Spirit, from creativity which, when read, can amplify your own voice as you travel outward into the mysterious world.
We are proud of our service. We know we can help you. We would be honored.