Kindred Spirits Lodges

I want you to consider the concept of self-mastery and become more conscious of your work in this area. Self-mastery is the ability to master your reactions to all experiences. My book, Love and Power, is all about self-mastery. It would be good for you to reread it this year. To help you further with self-mastery, I am introducing the Mastery Lodges for Kindred Spirits. These are lodges of endeavor and experience that are specific for mastery in a particular area of life experience. I want you to focus on one of the lodges this year. You will need to consider which one you would like to work in for the year. In future years, I would like you to move through each of the lodges so that you gain the most from this teaching.
The Dreaming Bear Lodge
The Dreaming Bear Lodge is concerned with mastery of your ability to manifest your dream in the world.
This lodge serves to create greater mastery of the physical and spiritual aspects of life while gaining more skill and awareness about how we manifest and balance “Love and Power” in the world. Activities and tasks may include working with The Love and Power Journal, studying your dreams, working with guardians and the Dream Master and doing a specifically related act of power.
This lodge is especially helpful for apprentices who want to gain more mastery and balance between the spiritual realm and the physical world, i.e., one’s work and relationships. Translating one’s own dream symbols, unconscious content, moods, fantasies, and feelings as ways to gain more knowledge about how one lives in the world will be closely examined.
Practicing weekly, the Arts of Synchronized Dream-Ins and Image Divination. Specific Power sites are also visited in the Dream Time weekly. Apprentices have been storing Power in their Dreaming Bear Lodge to use in times of change or to heal themselves and others.
The Golden Eagle Lodge
The Golden Eagle Lodge is concerned with mastery of the artistic experience.
This lodge serves to hold the energy for creative expression. Activities and experiences help to facilitate creative effort and may include: creating various works of art, enticing the muses to join you, developing therapies using creativity and working on an act of power.
This lodge is especially helpful for artists and for those apprentices working on specific creative projects, such as writing.
Drawing individuals who are seeking support for their artistic endeavors or perhaps just a nudge toward manifesting that which they have imagined but may have held at bay for some time. Over the course of several years, this lodge has routinely stalked two concepts in particular: the definition of creativity and manifesting acts of power. Although creativity has generally been defined as being an artist--pen, paint, tap shoe and so on--the definition of creativity has become much broader in our lodge. Golden Eagles have been deconstructing and finding their individual recipes and definitions of creativity, creation, create. In this lodge, we have been pursuing non-doing versus doing or not-doing and in turn have often found the bravery and the heat in our bellies to move toward and through acts of power we had not imagined before.
The Golden Eagle Lodge is an elaborate nest made up of branches from each of our trees of life, speckled with everyone’s sparkling treasures that beckon the muses. Our nest manifests both the nectar and the perimeter from which we can gather our luminous fibers and then with eagle vision, fly toward our acts of power on the luminous fiber of our intent.
Like the other lodges, we come together in circle at both the Joshua Tree and Ghost Ranch gatherings. Then, in between gatherings, we connect on monthly conference calls. And last, if you have the technology, there is always the immediacy of e-mail, that is encouraged as another means of connection and sharing.
The Snowy Owl Lodge
The Snowy Owl Lodge is concerned with the mastery of the transition experience.
This lodge serves to hold the energy for blending the physical and the spirit. Activities and experiences help to facilitate an integration of the physical and spirit and may include: working with the Wise Woman gateway, developing ideas for working with death and dying, developing tools to work with completion and rebirth, developing tools for working with transitions and change and working on an act of power.
This lodge is especially helpful for those apprentices who are experiencing menopause or another significant gateway.
On a mission to assist both ourselves and others in moving through the transitions in our lives with awareness and intent, resulting in our consciously experiencing transformation.
The purpose of this lodge is to provide a place where one can retreat and regroup. It is a place of “ being”, versus a place of action or achievement. It is a place where the movement is slow and purposeful as one learns how to move through a life transition. Such transitions may be chronological in nature (such as birth, puberty, menopause, death), or they may be situational (a job change, a move to a different location, an act of power). The amount of time spent in this place of respite depends upon the needs of the individual; some may only stay a short time, until they feel prepared to move to another direction on the wheel. Others may stay longer, needing the time to look within, to initiate or complete an act of power or to simply rest.
The Snowy Owl Lodge is a place of transformation. It holds the energy for the blending of the physical and the spirit.
The Star Woman Lodge
The Star Woman Lodge is concerned with the mastery of self-fulfillment.
This lodge serves to hold the energy for personal growth. Our activities and experiences help to facilitate growth and fulfillment and may include: making a personal power shield, beading, making sacred baskets, working with crystal gazing and hand trembling and working on an act of power.
This lodge is especially helpful for those apprentices who are committed to family and/or professional life and those who are on a path for personal growth, not necessarily for a professional career.
The Star Woman Lodge is in the Center of the Sacred Wheel. We work with the energies and teachings of White Star Woman. This lodge is also known as “the Clay Pot Lodge”. Our focus is on the mastery of self-fulfillment. We define our passion and our bliss and manifest our deepest desires through our Acts of Power. Our circle empowers and blesses our path with love, deep sisterhood, pleasure and comfort (and fun)! The Star Woman Lodge blessing is, "I honor you and support you in your Act of Power."
The Lodge of the Sacred Fire

This lodge serves to hold the sacred fire for healers. Activities and experiences help to facilitate connection with the Divine and may include: working with elementals, making healing medicine bags, making altars, building a dreaming sweat and/or working on an act of power.
This lodge is especially helpful for those apprentices who are working as healers or aspiring to healing work.
Serves to hold the sacred fire for healers. As shamans, we examine the many shapes and forms of fire as it is used in ritual and ceremony to create transformation, purification and spiritual awakening. We support each other through shared visions, dreaming and ceremony.
Is currently collecting and sharing manuals of various healing techniques studied and developed by members of the Lodge. Other activities and experiences that help to facilitate connection with the Divine may include: working with earth elementals, making healing medicine bags, making altars, building a dreaming sweat and working on an act of power as a healer.
We support each other as we acknowledge the personal healing gifts within each of us.