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Schedule a Private Session with Frankie

Frankie completed the four-year course of study with The Lynn Andrews Shaman Mystery School and is an Ordained Shaman Minister. 

Frankie lives with a passion for helping others to connect with their own inner strength and power using the ancient art of breath work, meditation, Reiki, Shamanic Healing, and powerful spiritual readings.  "It is time to live your life in a powerful, loving, and fun way and to gently release what has been holding us back from living our Freedom."

Frankie Flores is the author of the book “FREEDOM” Living a Life of Spiritual Freedom.  

In Spirit,






Schedule a Private One on one session using the online scheduling system below. 

The sessions are 55 minutes in duration and are done on the phone.  If you need additional help, i.e., alternative contact, payment arrangements, time slots, etc., to schedule a session, please use the contact form below.

The private session fee is: $60 USD.

 How exciting!  You are a few clicks away from a personal phone session with Frankie. Click through the next few screens to choose your appointment time and fill out requested information.

You will be taken to the scheduling page where you can choose your date and time.   




Once you have selected the date and time for your session, you will be directed to a payment page.

Once your appointment is scheduled, you will receive an email confirmation. Frankie will call you at your scheduled time using the phone number you provided. You will also get a reminder text before your appointment.

I am so looking forward to speaking with you.

In Spirit and Love,


Please note: We do not share your information with outside sources. We respect your privacy such that your information will remain within Lynn Andrews Productions.

Release Statement

I understand that Lynn Andrews Productions or any individuals or organizations associated with these groups, are not responsible for, and I release them from liability for, any accidents, injuries, illness, loss, theft or other mishaps that might occur, whether or not as a result of negligence, or as a result of my failure to seek and follow appropriate medical or mental health care from a licensed medical professional in connection with this private session.  I understand that Lynn Andrews Productions, Inc. and individuals associated with Lynn Andrews Productions, Inc. are not licensed medical or mental health care providers; that Lynn Andrews Productions, Inc. nor the individuals associated with Lynn Andrews Productions, Inc. diagnose or provide any advice or technique as a form of treatment for medical or mental health problems; and I further understand that it is my responsibility to consult with my medical and/or mental health provider(s) for any condition(s) for which I am under or may need treatment.  By scheduling a session with Frankie you have read and accepted this release statement.