Spring Gathering 2025 in Colorado - Registration Page

Thursday, May 15 - Saturday May 17, 2025
Southern Valli Ranch, Fountain, Colorado
Please use the registration form below.
Payment for the Event fee, is $495 and due by April 17, 2025.
Payment Plans - When you register you will pay $200.00. The remaining balance can be split into three payments depending on when you register.
For the registration form below: Every field that has an asterisk * is mandatory. If you submit the form and it does not take you to the payment page, scroll up and look at the fields with an asterisk as something is missing.
Release Statement
Please check the box below on the registration form to agree that you have read the following release statement.
Everyone must read and CHECK THE BOX below to attend this Event.
I understand that Lynn Andrews Productions and the Southern Valli Ranch or any individuals or organizations associated with these groups, are not responsible for, and I release them from liability for, any accidents, injuries, illness, loss, theft or other mishaps that might occur, whether or not as a result of negligence, or as a result of my failure to seek and follow appropriate medical or mental health care from a licensed medical professional in connection with this gathering. I understand that Lynn Andrews Productions, Inc. and individuals associated with Lynn Andrews Productions, Inc. are not licensed medical or mental health care providers; that Lynn Andrews Productions, Inc. nor the individuals associated with Lynn Andrews Productions, Inc. diagnose or provide any advice or technique as a form of treatment for medical or mental health problems; and I further understand that it is my responsibility to consult with my medical and/or mental health provider(s) for any condition(s) for which I am under or may need treatment. I understand that some parts of the gathering may be photographed and videotaped and I agree to allow myself to be filmed and give up any rights that I might have regarding the video or photographs or use of these images or recordings from this Spring Gathering. I further understand if I offer or accept a ride from another participant I do so on my own responsibility and release Lynn Andrews Productions, Inc. and Lynn Andrews Staff from any liability.