Coming Full Circle - SC - Book 14 & NOW Available as an eBook!
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“In this book…I have the great honor of introducing you to a number of women about whom I have not previously written, as well as sharing with you additional stories with several of them. Each new story…is accompanied by an article that grows out of our experiences in the modern world, yours and mine, and how the teachings these women have gifted to us can be applied to help us move into harmony and a state of grace with the world around us. Both the stories and the articles are designed to make the wisdom of the Sisterhood of the Shields more accessible in our daily lives.” – Lynn Andrews
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Lynn Andrews has gathered stories from the most profound teachings she has received over the years from the women of the Sisterhood of the Shield, members of an ancient shamanic society deeply embedded in native cultures and traditions all over the world. These shamanic, philosophical, and inspirational teachings are now condensed into one very important book. Her unique and eloquent narrative style reveals how the application of ancient healing techniques can relate to the modern world for over thirty years, interweaving teachings into aspects of universal truths. Coming Full Circle with Lynn reminds us that there is no beginning and no end to the circle of life. In this time of great fear and confusion in the world, she shows how her teachers have led her- and by extension all of us-to confront her deepest fears and accept without hesitation that there is a spiritual solution to every one of life's problems.
Here is a testimony from one of her readers!
In her latest book "Coming Full Circle" Lynn Andrews graces us with the presence of her deep and profound insights filled with wisdom and beauty . The way Lynn sees her teachers and brings them to life brings beauty to them throughout the pages of this book . Her lifelong journey in pursuit of wise teachings has been a gift to all who have had the opportunity to partake and share it . Each page of her latest book Coming Full Circle delivers priceless gifts to the reader. This is a empowering book , written beautifully . In " Coming Full Circle " we are blessed to revisit some of the teachers from her previous stories and get introduced to new teachers she had met on her path. As she addresses the year 2012 she does so in a way that gives us the hope and insight that WE do have the choice and the ability and power to create a better and more loving harmonious world to live in. I have always loved Lynn Andrews books and this latest one is a treasure trove full of light and wisdom and grace. It is a little different than her previous books in that it is not a story of one teaching experience but a revisiting of differing parts of her journeys with all her teachers and reflection . You don't need to have read all her other books to read this one and understand it , but I do recommend all her books as they are all very good and full of deep wisdom and beauty . Thank you Lynn Andrews and all the Beautiful wise teachers who have shared their spirit and wisdom and beauty with us through her . It is truly a priceless gift, one I am very Grateful for. Here is a listing of the Chapter titles to give you a idea of the contents.
255 pages , Chapters 1-16
- Chapter 1-Agnes Whistling Elk ; The One who knows How Circling back ; Life a Glorious Rite of Passage
- Chapter 2-Winona Circling Back ; The Power of Spiritual Integrity
- Chapter 3- Painted Bird Circling Back : Living a life of Magic
- Chapter 4-Ruby Plenty Chiefs Circling back ; the Law of Grace
- Chapter 5- Amy Hummingbird Wing 1, The Melipona Circling Back ; Through the Eyes of a Spiritual Warrior
- Chapter 6-Amy Hummingbird Wing 11, Sisters of the Jaguar Circling back ; Shape-Shifting in an Ever- Changing World
- Chapter 7 Crystal Mountain Dreaming Circling back ; Dreaming , A Shamans Perspective
- Chapter 8 Twin Dreamers Circling back ; Hero or House Pet , Which Are You ?
- Chapter 9 Amina Circling back ; Shaman Woman in Egypt
- Chapter 10 An Ancient and Modern Prophecy Circling back ; World News A Shamans Point of
- Chapter 11 Agnes Whistling Elk; Elkhorn Mountain, Revisited Circling Back ; The Healing Power of Forgiveness View
- Chapter 12 A Fairy Tale Circling back ; Embracing the Unknown
- Chapter 13 Betty Fast Bear Circling Back ; Fencing in Your Consciousness
- Chapter 14 Ani Circling Back ; Return of the Goddess
- Chapter 15 Twin Dreamers ; Bitter Spring Circling back ; Risk -Taking and Laziness of the Soul
- Chapter 16 Hannah of the Light Circling Back ; Dancer of the light ; Trusting the Ways of Power
Conclusion : Standing at the Crossroads of Power Sky and Earth by Jack Crimmins
Click here to Purchase the Kindle Version or Paperback Version of Coming Full Circle
- Paperback: 224 pages
- Publisher: Square One Pub (May 2012)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1937907015
- ISBN-13: 978-1-937907-01-3