Tree of Dreams - SC - Book 12
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Tree of Dreams, A Spirit Woman's Vision of Transition and Change, Book 12 of the Medicine Woman Series
Shaman healer Lynn Andrews finds herself at a crossroads in her own life, a time of transition and change when that which once seemed sure begins to unravel. With disarming candor, she reveals her own spiritual questioning and metaphysical battles to her teachers, Agnes Whistling Elk, Ruby Plenty Chiefs and Spider Woman. Their strength, power and wisdom have remained constant and guided her through the many challenges she has experienced in life, and in this book they use their own blend of magic to 'trick' her into learning valuable lessons, even when she is most resistant. It is the wisdom of the elders passed down through an apprentice, timeless teachings of growth, healing and spiritual connection that will last a lifetime.
'My mentors, Agnes Whistling Elk, Ruby Plenty Chiefs, Spider Woman are old women by any standards, but they have transformed physical frailty into wisdom and strength so that you might mistake them for agile young women. However, they teach me in the old way. They play tricks and behave outrageously. They are filled with humor and possess a sharp edge of wisdom that can cut to the bone. Their lessons are not always obvious, and as is so often the case with anything meaningful, they are sometimes difficult or painful to learn. I have become a teacher now myself, but I still work with these women, as the process of learning in this life is never over. Often I play the fool to them, because my vulnerability allows their truth to be complete. We play, we learn, and we grow.'
On Tree of Dreams:
Pa'Ris'Ha - T'Sali'gi, Eastern Band Cherokee heritage. One of thirteen Grandmothers with "Elders Without Borders" organized by William Commanda, Algonquin Elder, which consists of thirteen appointed Grandfathers and thirteen Grandmothers: "This book is right on time as always Lynn! It is awesome! I celebrate your Medicine gifts and this book brings them to us up front and personal. We are moving into the fifth world and people are realizing that they are different and that a maturing is happening for all ages. Your book is the heart of all this and will take us through the final transition. Your magic is water to our parched souls, and your clarity brings it to each of us on a personal level, and we are liberated with your guidance. No one does it better Beloved Sister."
Marianne Williamson, author of Return to Love and A Woman¹s Worth: "Once again, Lynn Andrews looks to the Sisterhood of the Shields for guidance and illumination. She places in their hands her vulnerability and ours, as she reveals the deeper fears and grief of every maturing woman. Her teachers heal her, and they heal us. Lynn Andrews has shared with us her magic once again.'
Dannion Brinkley, author of Saved by the Light: 'Lynn is one of the most profound people of our time. Her work in the shamanistic traditions has provided effective guidance to me and to many others looking for answers. I love her!'
Sarah Edwards, coauthor of The Practical Dreamer’s Handbook: 'In Tree of Dreams, Lynn Andrews speaks candidly from the heart of her personal experience with facing elderhood and death, and in so doing gives us the courage to welcome the lessons of our own experience with these transitions.'
- Pages : 23
- Publisher : Jeremy P. Tarcher (September 1, 2001)
- Type : Paperback