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Lynn's Legacy Continues!

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Lynn's Legacy Continues!

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2008 JT Shapeshifting Into Power

2008 JT Shapeshifting Into Power

Your Heart energy is a bridge from all that is physical to all that is emotional, spiritual, or mental. This bridge spans two separate perspectives...
1997 JT Unveiling the Mysteries of Time - Quote

1997 JT Unveiling the Mysteries of Time - Quote

Whenever your spiritual journey and yearning and exploring takes you up against the edge of the unknown, it is then that you must continue to explo...
Process of Remembering

Process of Remembering

Though we become lost in the dream of duality, the dream of separateness, we are in fact, all reflections of the Great Spirit.  We are all indeed part of the same spirit and the same God.  We are indeed, all one.  We cannot lose each other on any level, but sometimes, in our ignorance, we forget the meaning of life.  We forget our destiny.
Interview with Kathleen Schofield & Alison Palmer

Interview with Kathleen Schofield & Alison Palmer

Kathleen Schofield, Artist & Writer, and Alison Palmer PhD: Shaman Crone Teachers and the work of Lynn V. Andrews Click here to watch the...
Fiona's Journey with Lynn and the Prayer Sticks

Fiona's Journey with Lynn and the Prayer Sticks

  Come gather round me and I will take you on my journey. There is a fire burning bright and I have placed stones of petrified wood around the fir...
2000 JT Self Love & Spiritual Opulence: Getting out of God's Way MP3 Pkg

2000 JT Self Love & Spiritual Opulence: Getting out of God's Way MP3 Pkg

"The key to truly loving oneself and experiencing spiritual opulence is found in understanding what beauty really is.  What is it that keeps us fro...

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Lynn's Legacy Continues!

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A tribute to Lynn Andrews

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Lynn's Legacy Continues! Opportunities to Study Lynn's Teachings

The Lynn Andrews Shaman Mystery School

The Shaman
Mystery School

Our four year training is carefully and skillfully designed to support your journey of self-discovery and awakening to the beauty and power within you... Learn More >>
Writing Spirit, The School

Writing Spirit,
The School

Have you ever dreamed of becoming a writer? Is there a Story inside you wanting to be born? Find Your Voice! Discover the book within You. Get The Details >>
Shaman Apprentice Gallery of Sacred Art

Shaman Apprentice
Gallery of Art

Created by my apprentices, each piece of sacred is an expression of the essence of spiritual awakening on the journey towards enlightenment. View Gallery >>
Sisterhood of the Shields

Sisterhood of the Shields

How do we reclaim the things that have been lost to modern living: those most sacred and wise parts of ourselves that cry out to be acknowledged... Learn More About the Sisterhood >>
Councils of the Whistling Elk

Councils of the Whistling Elk

Join with like-minded people in your community and share the magic of Lynn’s teachings! Agnes Whistling Elk gave her name to these free, very special community-based groups, that they could grow and flourish... Find a Group in Your Area! >>