"The key to truly loving oneself and experiencing spiritual opulence is found in understanding what beauty really is. What is it that keeps us from a sense of our own beauty. What could there possibly be from understanding the laws of beauty, the expression of all that is of the highest and the greatest in the system of the universe.
We often don’t realize how worthy we are. What keeps us from understanding our own beauty? Perhaps you feel that if you take your power, you won’t be loved.
Why don’t we always love our own body which most often serves us so well? Don’t forget that you are a living miracle. Do we sufficiently direct our thoughts to the subject of beauty? I mention beauty because it’s what you’re made of and it’s the one thing that we seem so hard put to recognize within ourselves.
Beauty is the aesthetic and vibrational rate within which you want to vibrate your whole life. You are really what you think. What thoughts you put out there are prayers". Lynn V. Andrews
This was the year before I got sober. The year…before. But I was sober for a week. That week, the week I went to JT. It was my second time going. I’d gone to my first one two years prior; I was sober that week, too. I drank every day in between.
I didn’t go to quit drinking, but I could quit for a week, because I was going…to study with Lynn Andrews, and the Sisterhood of the Shields.
I didn’t go to be cured of drinking. I didn’t go to be cured of anything. I went to learn about those parts of myself I couldn’t quite reach on my own, my deepest wounds. I went to learn how to heal.
This is important.
I had read every book Lynn had published, before my first trip out there to the desert. I didn’t go expecting to be rescued, from my chosen path, my past, or my choices, good or bad. For me it was easy to recognize that this person could teach me to heal myself, the question was, could I learn? Would I be strong enough, really, to be able to face everything that had been chasing me all my life? Everything fear-based, those things I thought had power over me.
This JT, Self Love and Spiritual Opulence, addressed me immediately. I got there, to volunteer, and got my name-tag: Shelley. That…is not my name. I was invisible. It was the first thing I needed to face. I was Shelley on every page I was listed on, for five dang days. By the end of it, though, I’d found, confronted, embraced, and released that good enemy.
That’s how I JT, when I do. I go to find my truth, because I know I will; it’s built-in to these events. It takes courage. And it’s worth it.