Kindred Spirits A Message From Lynn

Dear Apprentice,
Renewing and strengthening your spiritual commitment to yourself, this circle, and the world is a simple yet powerful act. It is your receptivity to the mysteries of life, and your willingness to listen to your own inner voice of your sacred shaman within, which will lead you to true beauty and power. Spirit is ever present in our lives. Our prayers and meditation, and in reality everything we do, is an expression of our gratitude for the life with which we are blessed. Every task and element of this magical training is designed to bring power and joy into our lives and into the world. The work that we do together and the integrity of our spiritual practice is renewed in many, many ways.
The Kindred Spirits Program is a wonderful way to renew our spirit and recommit our hearts, which in turn supports and strengthens our sacred community. This is your sacred circle, your spiritual family. You earned your spot in this circle through the work you did in completing your four years in the Mystery School. There will always be a place for you at our fire.
The Lodges of Kindred Spirits will continue to build and strengthen our work together. The community that is created in each Lodge is an extraordinary gift. The Lodges meet at the Kindred Spirits gathering, and participate in conference calls throughout the year. Lodges have also played an integral part in supporting the Spring Gatherings, and over the years the Lodges have created fabulous Oracles and have contributed to this event in many different ways.
Kindred Spirits has also become, and will remain, an essential part of the magic that is the Storm Eagle Training. Without you as Teaching Assistants, this event for Apprentices enrolled in the Mystery School would not be possible. Your participation is of great importance to the Sisterhood and to me. It is an enormous job and a remarkable opportunity for you to continue your own training while supporting others on their path. We are grateful for the love and impeccable energy you bring to our time together, whether it is working with small groups, facilitating a sacred circle or being an Oracle. I truly hope that each and every one of you will be able to attend all of our gatherings and lend your energy to the sacred weaving that is our Mystery School.
One of the most profound events we do together is our annual Kindred Spirits gathering. The immense power and awesome beauty of our gathering wraps around our circle like a sacred blanket. It is here that we sit in an intimate group… laughing together, working together, and sharing our dreams and visions, as we explore the depths of our souls and renew our commitment to Spirit.
The Kindred Spirits Program (KSP) includes two levels of participation. This particular design has allowed more of you to continue being involved with the teachings. It is my hope that each year you find the perfect path for yourself within the levels of Kindred Spirits.
It fills me with great joy to know I can support you in bringing the teachings of the Sisterhood out into the world, and we will continue to create new and exciting opportunities for each of you in the Kindred Spirits Program.
It is my honor to invite you to participate in Kindred Spirits for this year. As I have often said, my vision for the Kindred Spirits Program is to provide a way in which we may continue to come together and deepen our connection, as well as strengthen our abilities to carry the Sacred Dream and the work of the Sisterhood into the world.
Build your dreams and continue to live them. I send blessings to all of you.
With Love and Light,